Welcome to Surrey Cycling Squad, one of the friendliest cycling club in Surrey UK. We strongly believe that cycling is not only about keeping fit, but also about staying social, making friends, enjoying a coffee and cake during our lovely mid route breaks.

If you would like to join our vibrant community of passionate cyclists and experience the joy of riding together. Whether you’re a seasoned cyclist or just starting out, our club provides a welcoming environment for riders of all levels.

Click on the button below to join us via Strava or contact us to become part of our amazing cycling family. We would ask that you email us after joining on Strava so we can properly welcome you. If you’re new to cycling, feel free to pop along to our newbies ride, typically hosted on Sundays, get in touch to find out more.

Membership fees are being introduced at £20 per year starting 1st April 2024.

a club near me.


We meet every Saturday morning at 9am in the car park at Brooklands Community Park, 16 Barnes Wallis Dr, Weybridge KT13 0XF.

Any non-member interested in riding with and joining Surrey Cycling Squad can participate in our monthly dedicated new joiners ride by reaching out to us. This ride is an excellent opportunity to experience our club, meet our members, and receive guidance on safe group riding techniques. Once you’ve participated in a new member club ride, you can apply to be added to our members list.

During most of our rides, we make a delightful stop for coffee and cake around the halfway mark. However, there are some non-stop rides as well, and all ride details will be advertised in advance on our Strava club page. Our club routes can range from short rides of around 50 km within a couple of hours to longer rides of over 100 km, perfect for an entire day of cycling adventures (and cake).

cycling club surrey cycling squad.
AAdvanced28 +Faster pace club ride, may take shorter breaks, a more fast paced rideWill wait at top of climbs
BIntermediate25 to 28Medium pace club ride, may take longer breaks, a little less effortNo drop
CSocial19 to 25Casual pace for a social ride, will take longer breaks, may stop occasionallyNo drop
ZNot hosted by SCSUnknownUnknown
Surrey Cycling Squad group ride degree of difficulty index


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